La branche israélienne de McDonald’s a annoncé aujourd’hui la fermeture de tous les restaurants du pays en relation avec l’épidémie de coronavirus. Seuls cinq restaurants de McDonald’s continueront de fonctionner, pour fournir des repas gratuits au personnel de l’hôpital, Magen David Adom, au service d’incendie et de sauvetage et aux forces de sécurité. L’annonce officielle : «dans le cadre de l’intensification de l’épidémie de coronavirus, les dirigeants israéliens ont décidé de fermer tous les magasins sauf cinq qui nourrissent le personnel hospitalier, le MADA et les FDI». «Nous espérons revenir bientôt à notre vie familière», a ajouté McDonald’s. La direction du réseau Mc Donald a fait exactement la même chose dans d’autres pays. (

McDonald’s Israël est la master franchise israélienne de la chaîne de restauration rapide McDonald’s. Exploité et autorisé par Alonyal Limited, McDonald’s Israel est la plus grande des chaînes de hamburgers d’Israël avec une part de marché de 60%.


After restricting itself to deliveries only, McDonald’s Israel is shutting down operations completely today. After having to having to close down the seating at its fast food outlets because of measures aimed at combating the spread of the coronavirus, the company notified its customers today that it would completely halt all its activities, including its deliveries.

Together with the temporary farewell to its customers, the world’s largest fast food chain, which has 191 branches in Israel, announced that it would continue operating five branches on an emergency format, which « will supply free food to hospitals, Magen David Adom teams, and the security forces. »

McDonald’s activity was shut down gradually, following the restrictions ordered by the state to deal with the spread of the virus in Israel. The company first announced that it would continue supplying takeaway meals in branches located outside the shopping malls, which had to shut down, in addition to nationally deployed deliveries. This was later reduced to independent deliveries only through the Wolt food deliveries app.

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