Le service de renseignement du Mossad a contribué à l’acheminement de 400 000 kits de test de coronavirus supplémentaires en Israël à partir d’un lieu étranger non divulgué, selon le bureau du Premier ministre. Le bureau du Premier ministre a refusé jeudi de faire d’autres commentaires sur la question, en particulier sur le ou les pays qui lui ont vendu les composants de test, ce qui a conduit beaucoup de gens à penser qu’il s’agissait d’un pays qui n’a pas de relations officielles avec Israël.

LE PLUS. Like every nation dealing with the outbreak of COVID-19, Israel is woefully short of test kits to check all those suspected of having contracted the disease.

Also like every nation dealing with the outbreak of COVID-19, Israel is deploying every asset at its disposal to defeat what Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu called the “invisible enemy.” And some of Israel’s assets are considerable.

The Mossad is considered one of the most effective spy agencies in the world. On Wednesday night, it once again proved itself by secretly smuggling into Israel no fewer than 100,000 coronavirus test kits. These test kits are like gold on the international market at present, and somehow the Mossad got its hands on a treasure-trove. Health Ministry officials said the viability of the kits must still be checked, and whether or not they contain all the components Israel was missing. Mossad officials said they would continue to work closely with the Ministry of Health to make sure Israel gets exactly what it needs in this time of crisis.

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